Recapping the Weekend-Busy Busy

Hey y'all!  Happy Monday!  I had a crazy weekend and am showing as much as I could document here as I was trying to be in the moment!  Linking up with Biana for weekending and Lindsay et all for Hello Monday.  Here we go!


I woke up and got some pure barre in and then headed to my alma mater for career day.  I went to an all girls Catholic School so it is always a big fun party when you go back!

The gym!
After that I went to my parents' beautiful new house to help them and unpack and organize.  My parents and I have a difference of opinion on clutter so it was interesting.  I was so hard at work that I did not get a pic of the house!  I will have to send a finished product one when it was done.

In the morning we had our garage sale for charity and made over 1200 dollars!  It was a beautiful day to declutter, make sales and raise money for charity.

Our littlest garage sale helper!

After that I went to lunch with my friend Becca and her friend who was in town at the amazing Saba!

Charred Delicata Squash with Crispy Chickpeas, so yum!
Saturday night I gave my baby sister and her husband a date night and watched my niece and nephew.  We hung out with Gentleman Caller and his boys since my nephew and them are the same age and love hanging out!  It left me some time to snuggle with Alice!


I got them out the house in the morning after chocolate chip pancakes.

Then prepped for book club, where we discussed Educated.  We had a small group and great discussion.  I made a delightful spread and I will be sharing it soon.  

Back to work tomorrow and trying to fit it all in, it is crazy until the summer!

How was your weekend?  What did you do?

Happy Cooking!
